We have discovered that the foundation for everything in life is having a personal relationship with the living God. Knowing God in a personal way and developing that relationship into ever deepening levels of intimacy and fruitfulness is the heartbeat of our ministry.

My wife, Janet, and I are both Jews who each had a supernatural encounter with the living God that brought us into that relationship. He revealed to us that Jesus is really the Jewish Messiah and is the way to a genuine personal relationship with the God of Israel.

This is not about religion; it is not about Christianity or Judaism. It is about having an individual personal relationship with the Creator Himself. This is not about doctrine or dogma, philosophies or ethics, denominations or traditions, external forms and rituals or Church/Synagogue membership and participation; it is about having an authentic relationship with GOD!

Jeremiah 31:34 declares that one of the realities of the New Covenant would be the opportunity for everyone to come into this personal relationship with God. In John 17:1-3, Jesus prayed that we would come to know that He was “sent from God” (i.e. He is the Messianic Redeemer), and enter in a personal relationship with God the Father. He called this relationship “Eternal Life.” Eternal life does not begin when we die. It begins when we enter into this personal relationship with God which totally changes the quality of life we experience here on earth.

It has been said, “It’s not what you know but who you know,” that makes all the difference. Coming to know who Jesus really is, and experiencing a relationship with God through Him, is the greatest experience of human life. He is the source of love, joy, peace, and every other kind of blessing. If you do not have a relationship with Jesus and would like to, please click here.

Our hope and prayer is that our ministry will help you deepen your relationship with the Lord and fulfill His plans and purposes for your life.

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