Beloved, I know that we are all going through a difficult season, but I believe God is using this time to refine and prepare us for all He wants to do in our lives.

I want you to be encouraged in the knowledge that firstly, the Lord has everything under control and secondly, He is looking for those who will enter fully into His plans and purposes. I believe God is going to raise up an authentic expression of the Body of Christ. I know He wants you to be part of this by giving yourself to the full use of the gifts, callings and “talents” He has entrusted to you. I feel a great sense of excitement in my spirit as I write this to you!!

Many people have labored under the influences of the Spirit of Religion, or more specifically the Spirit of the Christian Religion, that has imposed a false identity on them. That spirit wants you to practice any of the various forms of “aberrant” Christianity; that is any form of the faith that has departed from the authentic Apostolic, Prophetic and Hebraic patterns revealed in the New Testament. That false identity is built on negating who you truly are in the Messiah and nullifying your gifts, calling and talents.

The Spirit of Religion is very subtle, cunning and adept at accomplishing those goals. You end up thinking and believing that you are “not” a ….. (you fill in the blank with your own self negating thoughts and feelings). That spirit wants to convince you that you don’t have any gifts, or calling or talents, or that those you do have are small, insignificant and unimportant. It wants to convince you that it is right to “bury” them, because no one will be interested in you, or what you have to say or do, so why bother. That kind of thinking and believing is based on what I call a “talent burying lie.”

Now is the time to confront those lies and reject them. Stand against them and repent for ever believing them. Dig up everything the Lord has entrusted to you, and begin again, or for the first time, and start to “trade” them. Watch how the Lord will multiply them as you arefaithful and obedient (Matthew 25:14-30).

Never let any thoughts of failure or giving up determine your destiny. If you fall, or fail, so what! Just pick yourself up again and keep moving forward (Proverbs 24:16). If people, in the church or outside of it, don’t receive you or your gifts or talents, just “shake the dust off of your feet” (Luke 9:5) and move on. God will direct your steps and you will meet people who will receive you and all you bring to them. Plant seeds and let God bring the increase (1Corinthians 3:7,8). 1

I believe the next season for the Body of Christ will be centered on this dynamic of using what you know you have received from the Lord. This is not someone else telling you what you should do. It is the indwelling Holy Spirit speaking into your own heart (John 10:27).

This is the time to prepare your heart and set your will to be “wise, faithful and obedient” to steward well all that has been entrusted to you. Do not look at what others are doing or not doing. Look inwardly to hear what the Lord is speaking to you! Begin to be “about the Father’s business” (Luke 2:49). God will give you “business partners” who have the same heart and are endeavoring to be and do the same as you. These are the people you can work withto bring forth a great “profit” -much fruit -for the Master (Matthew 25:14-30).

I have written several articles and made several videos to help you in this process.

You can read the articles on my website, Hmmincom. Just click on the titles on the home page. You can watch the videos on my YouTube channels, Dr. Howard Morgan and Howard Morgan Ministries (soon they will be combined).

If I can help you personally, email me and I can send you further details about entering into a mentoring relationship.

If you want to invest in our ministry, you can do so directly from our website. We are so appreciative and grateful for your prayers and support. Thank You!!

We pray that you will all be healthy and blessed!!

Dr. Howard and Janet Morgan