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The Love of God

Product Number: DVS-001

by Dr. Howard Morgan

“God Loves You!” is not a glib cliché. In the midst of life’s difficulties, knowing that God really does love you is the most important spiritual truth you can ever know. But knowing about it is not enough. God wants you to experience His love. This experience is life transforming and empower...More

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  • DVD Single $15

Purifying Fire

Product Number: DVS-002

by Dr. Howard Morgan

The Body of Christ is in a season of restoration. In order to fully participate with the Lord in all He wants to do, we must be willing to fellowship with Him, and each other, in the “fire” of purification. This “fire” removes all of the impurities that weaken and demean us. It exposes our i...More

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  • DVD Single $15

Stewarding God’s Presence

Product Number: DVS-003

by Dr. Howard Morgan

We have learned how to “go to church,” now it is time to learn how to create environments that give the Holy Spirit and each other freedom to minister and be ministered to. We have to understand that we are all responsible to help each other learn, change and grow as disciples of the Kingdom of ...More

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  • DVD Single $15

Kingdom Perspectives

Product Number: DVS-004

by Dr. Howard Morgan

In order to grow to spiritual maturity, we must have an understanding that we are called to be disciples of the Kingdom of God, not merely believers and certainly not just “church-goers.” We have to develop our understanding of who we are “in Christ” and what that means. As you learn to chan...More

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  • DVD Single $15

No Time to Waste!

Product Number: DVS-005

by Dr. Howard Morgan

Time is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. We must learn how to use our time wisely, and how to help one another do the same. We must focus our lives on fulfilling the purposes of God and not “waste our time” in other pursuits. Satan is the master of distraction seeking to turn you away...More

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  • DVD Single $15

People of Purpose

Product Number: DVS-007

by Dr. Howard Morgan

In order to be maturing fruitful disciples of the Kingdom of God we must be intentionally focused on fulfilling the purposes of God for our lives. Every aspect of our lives, the decisions we make, the relationships we develop in the Body of Christ, must be focused on the fulfillment of those purpose...More

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  • DVD Single $15

Grids, Boundaries, and Expectations

Product Number: DVS-008

by Dr. Howard Morgan

We all see life through the “grid” of our perceptions. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to change that “grid” so that we can learn to perceive life as He does. With that change we can establish new boundaries in our relationships. These boundaries are built upon the goal of furthering the pu...More

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  • DVD Single $15

Lessons for Leaders

Product Number: DVS-009

by Dr. Howard Morgan

To one degree or another every member of the Body of Christ is a leader, even if they are only leading their own lives. As we mature God can entrust us with more influence and authority. As we take on the responsibility of leading others, there are lessons we all must learn. Because we are sent as "...More

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  • DVD Single $15

A Solid Foundation

Product Number: DVS-010

by Dr. Howard Morgan

We must have a solid foundation of understanding in our hearts of the purposes of God for our lives. This foundation establishes in us an ability to live and learn as a disciple of the Kingdom of God. We experience the gifts, callings, and anointings of the Lord as they are manifested in our lives. ...More

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  • DVD Single $15

God of Individuality

Product Number: DVS-011

by Dr. Howard Morgan

Just as God has made you a unique individual, He has unique plans and purposes for you. He loves variety, as we see throughout the entire natural world. He loves the variety of our lives, gifts, ministries and callings. He loves when we flow together as streams forming one great river (Psalm 46:4). ...More

  • Format Price Purchase
  • DVD Single $15