• Product Number: CDA-245-001
Format Price Purchase
CD Album $12.00
Single Message MP3 Download $3.00

This is the first message in The Real You album.

The Real You is not who you think you are, or who the world or other people say you are. The Real You is who Jesus says you are. As you are conformed more and more into the image of the Lord (Rom. 8:29), you will discover who you are In Him. Not only will you discover new abilities and gifts, but you will find that as the Holy Spirit changes you, you will respond and react to all of life in new, and sometimes, very surprising ways. As you surrender to the Lord and allow Him to change you, and as you continue to mature in this process, you will discover who you really are. This is strong The Real You!


  1. Who Am I?
  2. The Real You
  3. Dealing with Your Stuff
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CD Album, Single Message MP3 Download

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