This is the second message in the Do You See the Illusion? album.
As you grow spiritually, you come against Gates, those places of spiritual authority that seek to stop your progress. As you press through those gates, you will find that one of Satan’s main tactics is to get you to believe the powerful and subtle lies he speaks into our minds. Those lies are the reflected darkness that emanates from the gates. Seeking to get you to buy a lie, so that he can substitute his words for God’s, he uses the power of words to stop you. Once you see through his strategy, once you discern Satan’s lies from the truth of God’s Word, you will See the Illusion and be able to press through the gates.
1. Restoring Biblical Understanding
2. Step by Step Growth
3. The Nature of Spiritual Reality
4. Walking in the Light
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Format | CD Album, Single Message MP3 Download |