• Product Number: CDA-272-007
Format Price Purchase
Single Message MP3 Download $3.00
CD Album $32.00

This is the seventh message in the Great Abandon, Great Reward! album.

God is serious about the fulfillment of His purposes and is looking for people who are serious about that. Serious disciples make the right choices for their lives. They areal ways endeavoring to listen to the Master’s voice and receive revelation from Him, so they can continue to grow to maturity and fulfill His purposes. This sometimes means ‘switching tracks’ as the Lord leads and guides us through the changing situations and circumstances of our lives. As we learn how to live as disciples, we understand that in Christ there really are no limitations. There is great reward for those who live with great abandon to God’s will. How serious are you?


  1. Serious God Looking for Serious People
  2. Choose Well
  3. Listen to the Master’s Voice
  4. The Spirit of Revelation
  5. People of Maturity and Purpose
  6. Switching Tracks
  7. No Limitations
  8. Great Abandon, Great Reward
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CD Album, Single Message MP3 Download

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