• Product Number: CDA-196-006
Format Price Purchase
CD Album $48.00
Single Message MP3 Download $3.00

This is the sixth message in the Arrows of Light album.

As part of this present move of the Holy Spirit to restore the Body of Christ to her Authentic Apostolic and Prophetic Foundations and to deliver her from the Spirit of Religion, God is raising and training a new generation of disciples to fulfill His End-Time Prophetic Purposes. In these messages, Dr. Morgan likens these disciples to “Arrows of Light.” They are people who want the prophetic word in their mouths to be as sharp as the point of an arrow. They desire to be people of impeccable character and integrity, so that like the strong and straight shaft of an arrow, they will be able to handle the power of God’s bow as it shoots them toward His target. They also desire to be like the feathers on an arrow, so they can be sensitive to the moving of the Holy
Spirit as they fly. This series of teachings will greatly encourage you as you go through the process of being sharpened, straightened, sensitized, and then ignited with the Fire of God so that you can be an “Arrow of Light Piercing the Heart of Darkness.”


  1. The Creation of an Arrow
  2. An Arrow’s Heart
  3. An Arrow’s Training
  4. An Arrow’s Responsibility
  5. Keeping the Arrow Sharp
  6. Keeping the Arrow Healthy
  7. Arrows in the Quiver Together
  8. Arrows on Fire
  9. Arrow Shot from God’s Bow
  10. The Arrow’s Flight
  11. The Arrow’s Accuracy
  12. Arrows Piercing the Heart of the Darkness
Additional information

CD Album, Single Message MP3 Download

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